
Glitch is Born.

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Literature Text

(Ninth's POV)

I eyed the red fluids within the vial that I had pinned to the remains of a table with one hooked claw. I was silently impressed with myself for obtaining this DNA.

The last confrontation I had with that band of misfit miscreants, headed by that annoyingly persistant Zorua, I had managed to get this off the Eevee that fought with him. Now the gears were turning and a wonderful idea had spawned in my mind.
An Eternal character in my alliance? There were thousands of possibilities I could accomplish with such an opportunity. However, it wasn't like this was the DNA I've ever recieved. And all those past experiments had died, rather brutally.

The first one I had come up with using a fur sample...its body was barely more than a heap of half-developed flesh and bones, disfigured organs on the inside and outside of it, viens strewn around it like unruly wires...a miserable, ugly failure that died within minutes of its first breath.

Well, at least the second one had been living, and not screwed up. This time I"borrowed" a  newborn Cyndaquil I found on its own in its nest. His programming allowed him to be able to set things aflame at a distance by using hair-trigger sensors wired into his nuerons to do so. Div had aged quick though, going from infant to early adolensence in three months. By then his programming had begun to fall apart, resulting in ugly burns on his internal organs. Finally Div simply fried himself to nothing. Oh well...

Next was this...thing. I don't know what to call her. She was a Vulpix I had found lost in the area where I used to live before I was captured by humans. Instead of going so extreme in my attempts to create a perfect experiment, like I had with Div, I tried the IQ enhancers, and the other remaining chemicals that had been used on me so long ago by those wretched humans.

What I expected was...I suppose...A smaller version of myself? Like my own daughter, I guess.

What I got was some kind of jittery, malfunctioning, coward of an experiment.
There she was now...

She had terrible eyesight, so I had ressurected a pair of glasses for her, although the lens were scratched and the whole thing bent up and broken. She pushed them up the bridge of her nose and looked at me with those defective eyes of hers, "M-master. The t-t-tank is ready. F-f-for the n-new DNA."

Did I mention the horribly annoying stuttering? Such a glitched up piece of worthless junk.

I released the vial and gripped it gently between my jaws as I headed for the massive isolation tank that stood like a pillar within the central room of the lab. I wordlessly drained the blood into the analyzer I had wired to it and headed to the computer I had wired to that. All the while, Didget had begun scribbling notes down at a nervous pace. I ignored her prescence.

An Eternal character in my alliance? Now what to do with one of those? As a clone, I could always just switch the Eternal Eevee with this one, and destroy the team from within. Adorable. But adjustments needed to be made.


For nearly seven months I sat, watching the huge tank before me. Watching the tiny organism grow. She was practiacally full grown now, as in she looked almost exactly like the Eternal Eevee.

That is, if this experiment hadn't GLITCHED UP AS WELL!

This thing looked nothing like the Eevee! Instead of a brunette pelt, this one had a gray, almost silvery pelt. I noticed strangely enough, the red curve shape on her ruff, and one under an eye. I had no idea where those had come from. Perhaps I had accidentally misplaced a gene or two...ugh.

While in the earliest stages of her development, I had changed her DNA. I had...well, I think I had removed all ability of emotions from the brain cells of this specimen, or left her with very few. The emotions seem to get in the way a lot. No talking back to me, no questioning my orders...

I had added very little of the steroids used on me, in hope that this would influence her strength and intelligence a tad. No harm in doing that, right?
The seven-month growth period was nearly up. I supposed the team was wondering where I was and what I was planning. Hehe.

I stared upon the floating being in the tank. Oxygen flowed to her through a tube that connected to the mask fitted onto her face. Electrodes were taped to her fur, recording vital information that was displayed on the nearby computer. Moonlight through a close-by window cast an eerie shine on the glass surface of the tank. This experiment, she was...well, striking. Beautiful. As an experiment and a living creature. Her face was gentle, serene, young...I had hoped to see it cold, bloodied and experienced before long.  I headed for the controls on the tank.

Didget placed her notes down, and one of her annoying nervous tics started up again as she managed a twitchy walk over to me. She lifted her defective, jerking forepaw, staring at it blankly before turning to me, "M-master. Are-are you pleased that th-this experiment s-seems to be a success?"

I snorted, "Of course, Didget. No doubt by her well-deveploped structure she will far surpass an inferior experiment such as yourself. I believe she will be quite a suitable replacement for you." I said coldly.

Didget looked back at the tank for a while, her face expressionless. She was used to the sting my words bring to her. But I saw something flicker within her near-sightless eyes as she focused on the tank, "She's pretty." Didget said suddenly.

I didn't respond, but pressed my paw into a button on the controls. Instantly the fluids within the tank drained away, leaving the experiment to lie limply on the floor of the tank. I waited. Didget took more notes.

For quite a while she didn't move. From the soft, rhythmic beeps sounding from the computer, she was still apparently alive. I kept waiting.
Suddenly, a tremor went through her body. The left paw began flexing, stretching, as if testing out if they worked. The other paw followed. One ear twitched, the other, and a riffle went through her hackles. A few more tics, and the eyes blinked open, expressing a hazel, almost tortoishell color.

I stepped back.

The experiment lay on the floor, eyes wide open, blinking occasionally. The heart moniter was normal, everything was normal. She was certainly taking quite a while to start up.
Suddenly there was an erractic beep on the moniter than marred the regular rhythym. They grew faster, more erractic. I stared at the experiment. Her pupils were dialated, fur on end. I supposed I was losing her. Yet another failure?
But then her body shifted sideways, propelled by her paws. I kept staring. Didget was frantically writing down details, and occasionally her tails would spasm.
At once she pushed her body up on shaky legs, leaning on the side of the tank. The rapid beeps on the computer hadn't changed. The experiment leaned away from the wall, staggering sideways and finding the tank wall again for support. Soon she pulled away from the wall, shaking, head down. For a moment she stood there, looking at nothing, before her head shot up abruptly.

Such wild fury in her eyes...

She hurled her body into the wall, toward us. Didget jumped at the resounding bang it made, and continued writing. Another bump. And another.

I saw it then. A thin, black line appeared on the glass. With each bump, it got longer, wider, branching off into many new cracks. Didget realized this and shifted in front of me, looking straight at the tank with worried eyes, "Master look what sh-she's doing." she said.

I said nothing. The glass was well fractured now. The experiment didn't throw her wieght into the wall this time, but paused, drawing away until she touched the glass behind her. Then she charged, and a furious, blood-curdling screech ripped from her throat. I simply stepped back. Didget was frozen in fear.

The surface gave way, and the Eevee soared out of the tank, having all of the electrodes ripped off in the process. The tube of the oxygen mask snapped, leaving it attatched to her face. She landed on the ground in front of us, snarling and flailing with claws unsheathed, while hideous snarls and roars emmitted from her. In her seizure-like fit, what was left of the oxygen mask was flung clear. She froze for a second, and regained her feet.

Charging directly at Didget.

Her screams were so loud, I was convinced that she had caused the paint on the walls to peel. The new expermient wrestled with the old. I watched in cold fasination at the destructive, primeveal instincts that possed the Eevee as her claws brutally ripped free shreds of tissue and flesh from Didget. I noticed her glasses had been broken in both lenses, the glass piercing her face and eyes and sending streams of blood down her cheeks. The new experiment ripped great furrows in Didget's body, her teeth biting deeply into the flesh and tearing loose strings of veins and chunks of flesh.

All the while, I pondered about a name for this newcomer.

Didget had stopped struggling by now, and cowered half-consciously on the floor while the blows were delivered. The Eevee's claws sunk in at the back of her throat, and in a flash a deep wound was opened along her spine, revealing the white bone from beneath the blood.

Her teeth pierced the forearm, claws digging at the shoulders until the limb actually came loose from the rest of Didget's body. The experiment held the severed arm high for a moment, her face lashed from the viens that dangled from the torn, frayed end, before she threw it aside. Her claws puntured both eyeballs and pushed them deep into the skull of Didget before going to work back on the throat.

Glitch. This was certainly a glitch. Or pure luck. This sort of merciless destruction was what I needed.

Glitch by now had severed Didget's head, holding in her teeth by the ears, and shook it from side to side ravenously, sending blood and bits of broken bone and torn tissue everywhere. She dropped the head, frozen in time for the moment before she lunged at the computer, which was emitting a steady drone for the absence of a pulse. Glitch put a fist through the screen and her teeth snapped the wires.

What a shame. But I still watched, motionless as she kept destroying, even after the slaughter of my former Vulpix assistant.

After the computer, she simply went after anything that blinked or made noise, although
she completely ignored me. I watched as screens were shattered, wires broken, hardrives smashed. Electrical sparks lept from the destruction, catching a few stray papers aflame.

Finally, I was bored.

"Halt." I called as Glitch raced at me, the last thing unscathed in the room. I half-expected to see her continue, and I would be forced to fight her, but instead her dash slowed, and finally stopped a few feet in front of me. She stared at me with huge, monstrous eyes, her pupils mere pinpoints and lined in flame. She looked quite haunting, actually, bloodstained and crazed. She almost looked like she wanted to keep running and destroy me as well, with her face frozen in a murderous rage. But her feet were grounded obiediently, staring at me hungrily. It was like giving a command to a computer.

Finally. A success.

Suddenly she blinked, her pupils expanding and her eyes going dark before I saw them roll back. Her legs crumpled and she landed softly amidst her destruction. I blinked, approaching her slowly before I placed two of my long, misshaped fingers on her throat.
There was a pulse, still fast-paced with adrenaline.

I sighed and grasped the creature by the scruff, lifting her from the floor.


I went ahead and put Glitch into a bed, before I decided to clean a little. The lab hadn't been clean at all before the incident, but I at least managed to remove the remains of Didget and put of the flaming files among the dying machinery. I found the notes that had been flung from Didget's grip. I picked them up silently, and looked over her scrawls of writing. I sighed, staring at the place Didget's body once was.

Upon morning, I checked on Glitch. She was awake, staring blankly at the ceiling. She blinked as I came up, and her gaze shifted to look at me. Her eyes were quite pretty when they weren't dialated with insane rage.

"Glitch." I said. Her ears twitched in response, and I went on, "Glitch. I am Ninth, your master. You are in my lab, you are a newborn experiment." I said.
Glitch blinked, "My master." she echoed in soft monotone. She attempted to sit up, flinched, and laid back down. She put a paw to her head, rubbing it almost curiously.

"Pain?" I asked.

Glitch only looked at me. I said nothing as I wheeled her bed into a new room. I had revived most of the computers around here, and I wondered if she would start destroying them like last night.

She remained still as I began hooking her up. Examining her vitals as they blinked up on the moniter. Pulse was normal, tempature was normal, all bodily systems seemed to be functioning correctly. Her brainwaves, however, were strangely erratic and spiked.
Analysis of her brain showed glitched information, as if it could not read her mentality levels correctly.

"Here." I pierced her with a needle and injected the fluids within, "It helps with the pain." I said.

Glitch said nothing, but laid there, staring at nothing.

I went back to the computer, staring at it without much purpose until my mind drifted away.

My guess for her violent actions last night was a reaction of some sorts. In a rushed
effort to process data, her mind reverted to a sort of primeval state, which activated her "flight or fight" response. In the end, destroying everything that seemed complitcated. Her rational thought caught up as I made verbal contact, and her body shut down shortly after to rest and recover her mind. I suppose it's not hard to believe she was overwhelmed. This is, after all, the first experiment I had created that had not started off as a newborn or young child, but an adolenscent.

I was impressed with myself, overall. :)

Glitch seemed very successful, and her fighting instincts were simply brutal and horrendous and...just what I needed.
Once she is rested, I shall begin her schooling. I assume, since her genotype was partially left alone while I altered her DNA, she contained some knowledge and rationality about something. By the looks of the tests I had, she was by far the most successful experiment I have created.

But the brain scans still lingered on my mind. Mentally unstable, this experiment was. It reminded me this wasn't a perfect piece.

I wonder how long she lasts?
How Glitch was created! Enjoy the gore.
© 2012 - 2024 EnamoredGhost
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